Number of Dutch Growers to Decrease by a Quarter

Persistent pressure towards increased economies of scale will result in a decrease in the number of growers in The Netherlands by at least another 25 percent in the coming eight years. That is the assessment the ING Bank’s Economics Bureau has just circulated.

The forecast of a 25% decline is provided in a thematic study of the sales prospects of the ornamental horticulture industry, which the Dutch bank has undertaken. One of its key conclusions is that the characteristic ‘funnel structure’ of the horticulture chain will likely break down by 2020: information exchange is too limited and feedback from consumers doesn’t reach the traders, let alone the growers.
The estimate of a decrease in the number of independent Dutch growers   by at least 25 percent is, in fact, characterized as a cautious assessment by the bank. The figure may well turn out higher than that.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Florint

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