

You’ve seen them in bouquets, buttonholes, centerpieces galore. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and are sweeping the wedding world with their awesomeness.



From “Cactus and Succulent Care” from

“Most cactus and succulents have an active period about 1/3 of the year. During this active period watering can be frequent and fertilizer applied. The most active time for most cacti is during the spring and early parts of summer. As this period passes, it is best to reduce the frequency of watering as winter approaches. They require very little water during the cold months. A good watering once a week in hot weather and once a month in the dormant period is a good point to start as you learn your plants needs. Another approach is when the soil is completely dry, water thoroughly then let dry. If in doubt, don’t water. Too much fertilizer can be worse than none at all. Use a low nitrogen fertilizer at about ½ to ¼ the recommended rate.”

A potter filled with succulents:


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